


2024年9月23日,中国慢性病前瞻性队列研究团队(China Kadoorie Biobank,CKB)在Circulation Research杂志在线发表了题为《DNA甲基化时钟介导外周血代谢组对心血管系统及一般衰老的影响》(DNA Methylation Age Mediates Effect of Metabolic Profile on Cardiovascular and General Aging)的研究成果。本研究重点关注心血管系统和一般衰老,旨在探索不同表观遗传时钟如何捕捉衰老各个方面的特征;以及表观遗传时钟如何反映外周血代谢组对这些衰老过程的影响。研究发现了表观遗传在外周血代谢组和衰老之间的发挥的重要作用,第一代、第二代DNA甲基化时钟在外周血代谢物到一般和心血管系统衰老过程中发挥不同作用,同时也增加了关于使用多组学生物标志物预测心血管疾病的潜力的证据。这项研究加深了对脂质代谢和表观遗传变化如何促进衰老过程的理解,增加了运用多组学生物标志物集预测心血管疾病风险可能性的证据基础,并为探究衰老生物学机制及确立潜在干预策略提供科学证据。

论文题目:二氧化氮长期暴露与多种疾病的关系:一项针对 50 万中国成年人的前瞻性队列研究


2024年12月,CKB项目组联合西安交通大学公共卫生学院、复旦大学,在国际著名医学期刊柳叶刀子刊The Lancet Public health发表了题为《二氧化氮长期暴露与多种疾病的关系:一项针对 50 万中国成年人的前瞻性队列研究》(Associations of long-term nitrogen dioxide exposure with a wide spectrum of diseases: a prospective cohort study of 0.5 million Chinese adults)的研究成果。该研究依托CKB平台,覆盖我国10个地区50余万成年人,首次在大型人群队列中系统性地评估了NO₂长期暴露对多系统疾病的广泛影响,旨在揭示其可能对多个系统疾病的发生和发展起到促进作用,其健康危害可能远超全球疾病负担研究的既有评估。研究结果提示我国在城市化快速发展的背景下,必须加快实施更严格的污染排放控制措施,并全面推进世界卫生组织最新空气质量指南的落地。通过有效的政策干预,减少NO₂等空气污染物对公众健康的危害,并为全球空气质量治理和健康风险管理提供重要的参考和借鉴。


1. Chang X, Chen X, Wu X, Chen X, Zhang N, Lv J, et al. Association between sleep behaviors and stroke in Southwest China: a prospective cohort study. BMC Public Health. 2024;24(1):2937.

2. Hong X, Cao H, Cao W, Lv J, Yu C, Huang T, et al. Trends of genetic contributions on epigenetic clocks and related methylation sites with aging: A population-based adult twin study. Aging Cell. 2024:e14403.

3. Iona A, Yao P, Pozarickij A, Kartsonaki C, Said S, Wright N, et al. Proteo-genomic analyses in relatively lean Chinese adults identify proteins and pathways that affect general and central adiposity levels. communications biology. 2024;7(1):1327.

4. Jiang D, Shang Y, Li Z, Mu X, Han X, Xie X, et al. Effect of ambient ozone and its interactions with ambient PM2.5 and temperature on peak expiratory flow in adults with asthma. Atmospheric Environment. 2025;342:120939.

5. Jiang J, Ning N, Liu Y, Cai Z, Zhao M, Peng X, et al. Association of Life's Essential 8 with all-cause mortality and risk of cancer: a prospective cohort study. BMC Public Health. 2024;24(1):1406.

6. Ke Y, Zhang X, Sun D, Pei P, Du H, Chen Y, et al. The Association Between Preserved Ratio Impaired Spirometry and Mortality - 10 CKB Study Areas, China, 2004-2022. China CDC Wkly. 2024;6(43):1120-5.

7. Lan Y, Ke Y, Sun D, Pei P, Yang L, Chen Y, et al. Associations of Muscle-Related Metrics With Respiratory Disease in Chinese Adults: A Prospective Cohort Study. Journal of Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2024.

8. Liang J, Pan Y, Zhang W, Gao D, Ma J, Zhang Y, et al. Associations Between Atherosclerosis and Subsequent Cognitive Decline: A Prospective Cohort Study. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2024;13(21):e036696.

9. Liu Y, Qin X, Jiang J, Zhao M, Peng X, Cui F, et al. Life's Essential 8 Trajectories and Risk of Stroke: A Prospective Cohort Study. Stroke. 2024;55(11):2611-21.

10. Song M, Han Y, Zhao Y, Lv J, Yu C, Pei P, et al. Association of autosomal mosaic chromosomal alterations with risk of bladder cancer in Chinese adults: a prospective cohort study. Cell Death Dis. 2024;15(9):706.

11. Sun Z, Zhang H, Ding Y, Yu C, Sun D, Pang Y, et al. Cost-Effectiveness of Salt Substitution and Antihypertensive Drug Treatment in Chinese Prehypertensive Adults. Hypertension. 2024;81(12):2529-39.

12. Yang R, Wu J, Yu H, Wang S, Chen H, Wang M, et al. Effect of statin therapy patterns on readmission and mortality in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage. Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis. 2024;57(1):132-42.

13. Yu W, Ke Y, Lv J, Sun D, Pei P, Yang L, et al. Preserved vegetable consumption and gastrointestinal tract cancers: A prospective study. Journal of Global Health. 2024;14:04191.

14. Yu W, Lan Y, Sun D, Pei P, Yang L, Chen Y, et al. Prevalence and Risk Factors for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Among Adults Aged 50 and Above - 10 CKB Study Areas, China, 2020-2021. China CDC Wkly. 2024;6(43):1126-31.

15. 丁可鑫, 武轶群, 秦雪英, 任涛, 马青峰, 宋海庆, 胡永华. 缺血性脑卒中急性期血压与静脉溶栓后早期神经功能改善的关联分析. 中国循证心血管医学杂志. 2024;16(4):441-5,51.

16. 于洋, 田小草, 张华, 胡丹, 吕筠, 余灿清, 裴培, 孙点剑一, 高汝钦, 逄增昌, 段海平. 固体燃料取暖和吸烟与呼吸系统疾病发病关联的前瞻性队列研究. 中华流行病学杂志. 2024;45(10):1356-61.

17. 于欢, 杨若彤, 王斯悦, 吴俊慧, 王梦莹, 秦雪英, 吴涛, 陈大方, 武轶群, 胡永华.2型糖尿病患者使用二甲双胍与缺血性脑卒中发病风险的队列研究. 北京大学学报(医学版). 2023;55(3).


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